日: 2022-09-08

AfghanistanAustralia newsAustralian immigration and asylumEuropeEuropean UnionGlobal developmentGreeceHuman rightsMigrationRefugeesSouth and Central AsiaWorld news

Two years after the fire, Moria refugee camp’s legacy still leaves its mark

Many of those housed in the notorious refugee camp remain on Lesbos, while others have managed to rebuild new livesTwo years have elapsed since the huge Moria fire gutted what became known as Europe’s most notorious refugee camp. Squalid, gargantuan an…

Boris JohnsonForeign policyForeign, Commonwealth and Development OfficeIndiaMI5MI6PoliticsScotlandSikhismSouth and Central AsiaUK news

Boris Johnson accused of intelligence tipoff that led to British Sikh’s alleged torture in India

Labour raises questions in the Commons over Johnson’s alleged actions as foreign secretary in the case of activist Jagtar Singh JohalLabour has accused Boris Johnson of authorising the sharing of intelligence that led to the imprisonment and alleged to…
