月別: 1月 2023

MyanmarMyanmar coupSouth and Central AsiaWorld news

‘Monster from the sky’: two years on from coup, Myanmar junta increases airstrikes on civilians

People across the country now live under constant threat of attacks from the skiesMyanmar’s military coup explained in 30 secondsIt was early evening, and people had gathered at a local pandal in Moe Dar Lay village, in Myanmar’s Sagaing Region, to pre…

BBCConservativesHouse of LordsIndiaMediaNarendra ModiPoliticsSouth and Central AsiaUK newsWorld news

Tory peer accused of ‘racially charged’ attack on BBC Modi documentary

Exclusive: Rami Ranger faces criticism over ‘deplorable’ comments about Pakistani journalists at the corporationA Conservative peer has been accused of using “deplorable” and “racially charged language” in a scathing attack on the BBC’s recent document…
