
AnimalsBangladeshConservationEndangered speciesEnvironmentFarmingGlobal developmentSnakesSouth and Central AsiaWildlifeWorld news

Snakes beware: reptiles targeted across Bangladesh after rise in sightings of Russell’s viper

Misinformation and online rumours stoke fear of the venomous species, which has led to snakes being killed indiscriminately, warn conservationistsAmin Mandol was harvesting peanuts from a char – a bank of sand and silt – in the Padma, the lower part of…

Climate crisisCoastlinesEnvironmentExtreme weatherFamilyFarmingGlobal developmentGuardian FoundationIndiaLife and styleMarriageMigrationMigration and developmentOceansSouth and Central AsiaWorld news

No crops, no brides: how rising seas are killing India’s coastal villages

As the sea inundates Odisha’s coastline, livelihoods have withered with the harvest and weddings are a rarity as young women refuse to move to areas where they see no futurePhotographs by Aishwarya MohantyIn Udaykani, a coastal village in the east Indi…

EnvironmentFarmingFoodFood securityGlobal developmentIndiaIndian food and drinkIndigenous peoplesSocietySouth and Central AsiaWorld news

How India’s ‘millet ambassador’ preserves ancient grains – and helps promote food security

Laheri Bai’s seed bank ensures traditional grains are kept alive amid a wider effort to promote millet’s suitability for cultivation in challenging climate conditionsCollecting seeds in her mud-walled farmhouse home in central India has pushed Laheri B…
