
AnimalsBangladeshConservationEndangered speciesEnvironmentFarmingGlobal developmentSnakesSouth and Central AsiaWildlifeWorld news

Snakes beware: reptiles targeted across Bangladesh after rise in sightings of Russell’s viper

Misinformation and online rumours stoke fear of the venomous species, which has led to snakes being killed indiscriminately, warn conservationistsAmin Mandol was harvesting peanuts from a char – a bank of sand and silt – in the Padma, the lower part of…

Access to waterBangladeshGlobal developmentGlobal healthSouth and Central AsiaWorld news

‘It’s in our rivers and in our cups. There’s no escape’: the deadly spread of salt water in Bangladesh

Kidney disease is on the rise in coastal communities, where some have no choice but to drink and cook with contaminated waterShadows dance across large, concrete chambers while the sound of dripping water echoes in the distance. A rusty metal staircase…
