日: 2023-03-22

Asia PacificAustralia newsAustralian foreign policyAustralian politicsPacific islandsSamoaSolomon IslandsWorld news

Chinese state company wins contract to redevelop Solomon Islands port, prompting cautious response

Samoa’s prime minister says port ‘might morph into something else’ and suggests Pacific countries may have to monitor situationGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastA Chinese state company has won a major contract to …

BusinessDiabetesGlobal developmentHealthHealthcare industryIndiaPharmaceuticals industrySocietySouth and Central AsiaWorld news

‘I skip meals to make my insulin last’: the cost of diabetes in the global south

The three firms that control the insulin market are to cut costs in the US, but elsewhere users can spend all their pay to get the life-saving drug ‘I ration my insulin every month,” says Khushi Ahuja, a law student from Delhi who has type 1 diabetes a…
