Chinese economy

Air pollutionAsia PacificBusinessChinaChinese economyClimate crisisCoalEnergyEnvironmentFossil fuel divestmentFossil fuelsGreenhouse gas emissionsWorld news

China continues coal spree despite climate goals

World’s biggest carbon emitter approving equivalent of two new coal plants a week, analysis showsChina is approving new coal power projects at the equivalent of two plants every week, a rate energy watchdogs say is unsustainable if the country hopes to…

AfricaAsia PacificBusinessChinaChinese economyEuropeRussiaTaiwanUS foreign policyUS newsWorld newsXi Jinping

From the US to Africa: how China sees the world as Xi’s third term begins

Geopolitical relations China’s president will have to navigate as country reopens after three years of isolationAs Xi Jinping starts his third term as China’s president, high on his agenda will be strengthening the country’s position on the world stage…
