Islamic State

AfghanistanBooksCultureFictionIslamic StatePress freedomSouth and Central AsiaTalibanWorld news

‘It is worse now’: The Bookseller of Kabul author Åsne Seierstad on returning to Afghanistan 20 years on

The Norwegian writer on meeting the Taliban, her fears for girls’ education, and the legal battle that ensued after the publication of her bestselling bookThe author Åsne Seierstad’s cool, shaded garden, within walking distance from the centre of Oslo,…

AfghanistanGlobal developmentHuman rightsIslamic StateMigration and developmentPakistanRefugeesSouth and Central AsiaTalibanWorld news

‘We’re so fearful’: Pakistan rounds up Afghan refugees for deportation

Rewards offered for turning in ‘illegal Afghans’ as refugees pay price for tensions between Pakistani government and TalibanAamir Muhammad has barely left his house for weeks; neither have his neighbours. In his ramshackle neighbourhood on the outskirt…
