HistoryHistory booksNorth KoreaSouth KoreaSouthKorea

教科書では書けない韓国歴史 オランダ人が記した真実、李氏朝鮮時代の生活と風習「朝鮮幽囚記」ハメルKorean history that cannot be written in textbooks The truth written by the Dutch, the life and customs of Mr. Lee during the Joseon era

教科書では書けない韓国歴史 オランダ人が記した真実、李氏朝鮮時代の生活と風習「朝鮮幽囚記」ハメル【なるためJAPAN】

Hendrick Hamel, 1630 – 1692
Premodern Korean Society Found in Hendrick Hamel’s Report of 17th Century Korea.On July 1653 a Dutch trading ship bound to Nagasaki drifted ashore at Cheju Island Korea. 36 survivors were detained in this country. 8 men escaped to Japan on September 1666. One of them Hendrick Hamel wrote a report about their lives in Korea. And he submitted it to VOC. The report was published in European countries. It became a valuable historical document. In this paper we discuss four characteristics of premodern Korea (unique punishment, a number of slaves, corruption of government officials, and frequent lying.) found in Hamel’s report in comparison with premodern Japanese society and modern Korean society.

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